Transfer Process
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Transfer Process
Transferring a .CA domain name takes place though one of the following methods:
Registrant Transfer – This is where the buyer would have an account at the current registrar of the domain name. The domain is “pushed” from the seller’s account to the buyer’s account. Depending on the registrar this may be an automated service initiated in the sellers account or it may be a process that is completed “manually” as a result of an email request to the registrar from the seller. For this process the seller requires the buyers complete contact information so that the registrant information is changed prior to the “push”.
Registrar/Registrant Transfer (RAR/RANT) this is a process that allows for the transfer of the domain with the simultaneous effect of a Registrar and Registrant transfer. The buyer from inside their account at the “gaining” Registrar normally initiates this. In order to accommodate this the seller needs to supply the buyer the EPP transfer code and the seller must also “unlock” the domain.
See also - Closing and offers to buy a domain name.